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12 August 2020 - COVID-19 Update

  • 12 August 2020 - COVID-19 Update

    After yesterday's announcement that Auckland is at COVID-19 Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2, we want to wish all of New Zealand well and advise our current business plan.

    We are still processing online orders and product enquiries as well as bookings for in-home assessments and quotes.

    At Alert Level 2 for Bay of Plenty and Level 3 for Auckland, we have made the decisions below.

    For regular updates please go to our Facebook page.

    Tip: The Government COVID-19 App – NZ COVID Tracer can now have information added manually for places you may have visited in the last few weeks. It's a great way to help Ashley Bloomfield and the team get on top of contact tracing from the infected people.

    Our challenge to you: Load the last 2 weeks of location that you have been to. If you have Google Location turned on it's a great way to back track where you have been and enter it into the app.

    If you have any queries or concerns please contact our customer service team on 09 636 8409.


    Bay of Plenty

    Our Bay of Plenty business is operating on a business as usual basis under Level 2 guidelines. All assessment and install services continue.

    Our customer service team is working from home with full services via our phones and email addresses.

    We have reinstated our COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, commencing with a full team briefing this morning.

    We have put in place all required protocols including contact tracing using the Government COVID-19 App for every appointment, masks, hygiene and social distancing.

    We appreciate your ongoing support to enable us to continue operating while we are at Level 2.



    Our customer service team is working from home with full service via our phones and email addresses.

    We are keen to continue to help you with enquiries and booking that we will be able to complete when we are back at Level 2.

    We have ceased our Auckland assessment and install services until close of business on Friday 14 August and are in the process of notifying affected customers. We will reassess this in line with appropriate Government updates.

    Our Auckland Warehouse is open by appointment for web orders and click and collect pick up. Contact Kevan on 021 286 4636 or 09 636 8409 option 3.

    • insulation
    • 12 August